Mark Hill
Mr. Mark Hill was appointed on April 5, 2021 as Chief Executive Officer of the Barbados Investment and Development Corporation (BIDC), now trading as Export Barbados (BIDC).
Mark Hill is the founder of Innogen Technologies Inc. and Biogen Biotechnologies Inc. - two research and development companies in the clean technologies market. An European Union Scholar, earning a BA(Hons) in 3-Dimension Design (Industrial Design) from the De Montfort University, Mr. Hill is also an MIT-trained Product and Service Innovation Specialist utilizing Design Thinking methodology, and currently a research MPhil/PhD. candidate at The University of West Indies Cave Hill Campus, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES), specializing in Governance and Public Policy, with a focus on Design & Economics for Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
His present appointment as CEO of Export Barbados (BIDC) brought a new focus on exports and innovation - a vision to rethink exports and be laser-focused with a purposeful and aggressive approach tailored to build a new export economy in Barbados; assisted by a strategic focus for the organization to build sustainable, responsible and impactful investment and innovations, with the transformative direction pivoted on becoming a blue ocean organization. This focus emphasises three economies - Oceans Economy (blue economy), Bio-economy (green economy), and Design Economy (orange economy); using the 3-part model - Design It, Make It, Ship It for driving exports.
Shaping Mr. Hill’s vision for the organization is also his design background and experience in both the public and private sector, embracing an understanding of design as strategy, well-beyond styling or process.